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Arrival/Dismissal Procedures

Morning Arrival

Arrival/Parent Drop-Off in the AM (8:30 AM for breakfast/8:45 AM bell to go to class)
Parents need to walk students up to the Cafeteria door. If it is after 8:55 AM, students must be escorted to the front entrance to be signed in.

Afternoon Dismissal 

Dismissal/Parent Pick-Up (Parent Pick-Up is 3:00 PM, and buses leave between 3:05 PM and 3:15 PM)

Please always send a note if:

• There is any change in dismissal—bus or parent pick-up
• You plan to pick up your child early or at regular dismissal time

Sending in a note prevents classrooms from being disrupted during the school day.
Between 2:45 PM and 3:10 PM is a hectic time, and last minute changes should only occur in the event of an emergency.

If you have a set schedule for dismissal, you can send in one note - you do not have to send a note every day.  

If the schedule changes weekly, please send in a note on Monday with the week’s schedule.